Nineteen and Phyllis 1920


Andrew Jackson Cavanaugh is a young man in the small town of Vixville. He is entranced with a young woman, but doesn't make enough money to make an impression on her. His rival, however, has plenty of money, and Andrew must find a...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Nineteen and Phyllis Nineteen and Phyllis
  • DK: Kærlighedsdetektiven Kærlighedsdetektiven
  • JP: 十九とフィリス 十九とフィリス
  • UA: Nineteen and Phyllis Nineteen and Phyllis
  • US: Phyllis and Nineteen Phyllis and Nineteen
  • US: Nineteen and Phyllis Nineteen and Phyllis
Data di rilascio 26 Dec 1920
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