Greystoke 1984

Drama Adventure

A missing heir of respected Scottish family, raised in African jungles by animals, finally returns to his estate only to realize that difference between the two worlds is really significant.

Tutti i titoli
  • Greystoke, la légende de Tarzan
  • Greystoke : La Légende de Tarzan, seigneur des singes
  • UK: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
  • AR: Greystoke, la leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los monos Greystoke, la leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los monos
  • AR: Greystokela: La leyenda de Tarzán Greystokela: La leyenda de Tarzán
  • AU: Greystoke Greystoke
  • BR: Greystoke: A Lenda de Tarzan, o Rei da Selva Greystoke: A Lenda de Tarzan, o Rei da Selva
  • BR: Greystoke: A Lenda de Tarzã, o Rei da Selva Greystoke: A Lenda de Tarzã, o Rei da Selva
  • BG: Тарзан от рода Грейстоук Тарзан от рода Грейстоук
  • BG: Тарзан: Потомъкът на рода Грейстоук Тарзан: Потомъкът на рода Грейстоук
  • CA: Greystoke: La légende de Tarzan, seigneur des singes Greystoke: La légende de Tarzan, seigneur des singes
  • CA: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
  • CS: Tarzan Tarzan
  • DK: Greystoke - beretningen om Tarzan, abernes konge Greystoke - beretningen om Tarzan, abernes konge
  • UK: Greystoke - Herr der Affen (Die Legende von Tarzan) Greystoke - Herr der Affen (Die Legende von Tarzan)
  • FI: Greystoke legenden om Tarzan, apornas konung Greystoke legenden om Tarzan, apornas konung
  • FI: Greystoke: Legenda Tarzanista, apinain kuninkaasta Greystoke: Legenda Tarzanista, apinain kuninkaasta
  • FI: Greystoke: Legenda Tarzanista Greystoke: Legenda Tarzanista
  • DE: Greystoke - Die Legende von Tarzan, Herr der Affen Greystoke - Die Legende von Tarzan, Herr der Affen
  • GR: Greystoke: O thrylos tou Tarzan, arhonta tis zouglas Greystoke: O thrylos tou Tarzan, arhonta tis zouglas
  • GR: Γκρέιστοουκ: Ο θρύλος του Ταρζάν, άρχοντα της ζούγκλας Γκρέιστοουκ: Ο θρύλος του Ταρζάν, άρχοντα της ζούγκλας
  • HU: Tarzan, a majmok ura Tarzan, a majmok ura
  • IO: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
  • IR: Tarzan: Arbabe Meymoonha Tarzan: Arbabe Meymoonha
  • IL: Greystoke Greystoke
  • IT: Greystoke - La leggenda di Tarzan, il signore delle scimmie Greystoke - La leggenda di Tarzan, il signore delle scimmie
  • JP: グレイストーク ターザンの伝説 グレイストーク ターザンの伝説
  • MX: Greystoke: la leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los simios Greystoke: la leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los simios
  • MX: Greystoke: la leyenda de Tarzán, rey de los simios Greystoke: la leyenda de Tarzán, rey de los simios
  • NO: Greystoke: Legenden om Tarzan, apenes konge Greystoke: Legenden om Tarzan, apenes konge
  • PE: Greystoke, la leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los monos Greystoke, la leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los monos
  • PL: Greystoke: Legenda Tarzana, władcy małp Greystoke: Legenda Tarzana, władcy małp
  • PT: Greystoke - A Lenda de Tarzan o Rei da Selva Greystoke - A Lenda de Tarzan o Rei da Selva
  • RS: Grejstok: Legenda o Tarzanu, gospodaru majmuna Grejstok: Legenda o Tarzanu, gospodaru majmuna
  • RU: Грейстоук: Легенда о Тарзане, повелителе обезьян Грейстоук: Легенда о Тарзане, повелителе обезьян
  • ES: Greystoke: La leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los monos Greystoke: La leyenda de Tarzán, el rey de los monos
  • SE: Greystoke: Legenden om Tarzan, apornas konung Greystoke: Legenden om Tarzan, apornas konung
  • TR: Tarzan Asil ve Vahşi Tarzan Asil ve Vahşi
  • TR: Tarzan Maymunlar Lordu Tarzan Maymunlar Lordu
  • UA: Ґрейсток: Легенда про Тарзана, повелителя мавп Ґрейсток: Легенда про Тарзана, повелителя мавп
  • UA: Greystoke: The 7th Earl Lord John Clayton, Tarzan of the Apes Greystoke: The 7th Earl Lord John Clayton, Tarzan of the Apes
  • US: Greystoke: The 7th Earl Lord John Clayton, Tarzan of the Apes Greystoke: The 7th Earl Lord John Clayton, Tarzan of the Apes
  • US: Greystoke Greystoke
  • US: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan
  • US: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
  • UY: Greystoke: La leyenda de Tarzán, rey de los monos Greystoke: La leyenda de Tarzán, rey de los monos
  • DE: Greystoke - Die Legende von Tarzan, Herr der Affen Greystoke - Die Legende von Tarzan, Herr der Affen
  • UK: Greystoke: The 7th Earl Lord John Clayton, Tarzan of the Apes Greystoke: The 7th Earl Lord John Clayton, Tarzan of the Apes
  • UK: Greystoke Greystoke
  • UK: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
Data di rilascio 30 Mar 1984
Link IMDb
